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要約 目的:裂孔原性網膜剝離に対して硝子体手術を行い,同時に46年前に飛入したガラス片を除去し,ガラス片周囲の網膜硝子体に組織反応がなかった症例の報告。症例:70歳女性。左眼視力低下で受診。既往歴は46年前に照明灯の破損による眼外傷で水晶体摘出術を受けた。所見:矯正視力は左眼指数弁。左眼角膜中央部に約6mmの裂傷痕を認め,無水晶体眼。黄斑部を含む下方2象限に網膜剝離があった。左眼に強膜バックリング併用硝子体切除術を施行。異物はガラス片で,網膜剝離の原因裂孔は6時の周辺部変性の萎縮円孔で,異物周囲の硝子体や網膜に影響はなかった。術後の合併症はなく,術後視力は0.15を得た。結論:ガラスが長期間眼内滞留した後も網膜硝子体に組織反応がなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in an eye with asymptomatically retained intraocular foreign body for 46 years. Case:A 70-year-old woman presented with impaired vision in her left eye. She had received removal of the lens after injury of the light bulb 46 years before. Findings:The left eye showed a scar in the center of the cornea. Corrected visual acuity was hand motion. Retinal detachment was present in the inferior sectors. The left eye showed a piece of glass during vitrectomy with scleral buckling. Retinal detachment was due to atrophic hole at 6 o'clock position unrelated to the foreign body. No pathological findings were present in the vitreous or the retina adjacent to the foreign body. The left eye regained visual acuity of 0.15. Conclusion:Glass material in the eye showed no reaction in the vitreous or the retina after retention for 46 years.

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