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Vitreoretinal lesions in eyes of diabetic patients who received vitreous surgery Sadao Hori 1 , Junji Inoue 1 , Kenji Kawazoe 2 , Hisato Ohno 1 , Hiroki Tanaka 1 , Kazuhiro Kobayashi 1 , Yuichi Hukuzawa 1 , Kenji Inoue 3 , Sataru Tuchida 1,4 , Hirosi Saiki 1,5 , Eiko Sano 1,6 1Nishikasai Inoue Eye Hospital 2Omiya Inoue Eye Clinic 3Inoue Eye Hospital 4Hill-side Eye Clinic 5Saiki Eye Clinic 6Koiwa Medical and Eye Clinic pp.545-550
Published Date 2017/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410212228
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Abstract Purpose: To report the incidence of vitreoretinal lesions in eyes of diabetic patients who received vitreous surgery.

Cases and Method: This retrospective study was made on 227 eyes of 204 cases. Vitreous surgery was performed in 111 eyes(48.9%)for vitreoretinal lesions directly associated with diabetic retinopathy(Group 1). Surgery was performed in 116 eyes(51.1%)for vitreoretinal lesions not directly associated with diabetic retinopathy(Group 2).

Results: Vitreous hemorrhage was present in 35.7% of eyes and was the most frequent entity in Group 1. Vitreous surgery was performed for retinal detachment in 14.5% of eyes and was the most frequent entity in Group 2. Diabetic retinopathy was either absent or mild in most of the eyes in Group 2.

Conclusion: Vitreous surgery was performed in more than 50% of eyes for vitreoretinal lesions not directly associated with diabetic retinopathy.

Copyright © 2017, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


