

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Reintroduction of infliximab was effective for neurological manifestations and recurrence of uveitis in a case of Behçet disease Akane Iwasaki 1 , Tsutomu Sakai 1 , Hiroshi Yaguchi 2 , Masayo Morita 2 , Hiroshi Tsuneoka 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol, Jikei Univ Sch of Med 2Dept of Neurol, Jikei Univ Sch of Med pp.603-607
Published Date 2013/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410104694
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Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of Behçet disease with uveitis and neurological manifestations that responded to infliximab. Case:A 65-year-old female was referred to us for uveitis in her left eye. She had been diagnosed with Behçet disease 7 years before and had been treated with colchicine. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.9 right and 0.07 left. Both eyes showed cataract and posterior synechia. The left eye showed elevated intraocular pressure(IOP). Clinical Course:IOP normalized after filtrating surgery. Hypopyon iritis developed in the left eye one year later followed by retinal vasculitis. Ocular lesions subsided after start of infliximab 4 years later. Discontinuation of infliximab after 14 months was followed by recurrence of uveitis and neurological manifestations. These lesions subsided after reintroduction of infliximab. Conclusion:This case illustrates that systemic infliximab may be effective for uveitis and neurological manifestations of Behçet disease.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


