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要約 目的:クエン酸シルデナフィル(バイアグラ®)を過剰服用した後に変視症が生じ,ポリープ状脈絡膜血管症が発見された症例の報告。症例:67歳男性が左眼の変視症で受診した。心房細動があり,2年前から抗凝固薬と強心薬を服用していた。バイアグラ®を1回あたり150mgで複数回内服し,その2か月後に変視症を自覚した。所見:矯正視力は右1.2,左0.7で,左眼の黄斑部に漿液性網膜剝離があった。3か月後に左眼視力が0.15に低下し,蛍光眼底造影でポリープ状脈絡膜血管症の診断が確定した。トリアムシノロンを併用した光線力学療法が行われ,視力は0.3に改善したが,黄斑病変は瘢痕化した。結論:バイアグラ®の過剰服用とポリープ状脈絡膜血管症との因果関係は明らかでないが,前者が後者を悪化させた可能性は否定できない。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case who was diagnosed with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy after peroral overdosage of sildenafil citrate(Viagra®). Case:A 67-year-old male presented with metamorphopsia in the left eye. He had been treated with warfarin and digoxin for atrial fibrillation since 2 years before. Metamorphopsia developed 2 months after repeated peroral Viagra® of 150 mg each. Findings:His corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 0.7 left. The left macula showed serous retinal detachment. Left visual acuity decreased to 0.15 three months later. Fluorescein angiography led to the diagnosis of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Visual acuity improved to 0.3 after triamcinolone-assisted photodynamic therapy. The macula turned into scarred lesion. Conclusion:Although no causal relationship is clear between ingestion of Viagra® and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy, there is a possibility that the former may have acted as trigger to the latter.

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