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要約 目的:2種のスペクトラルドメイン光干渉断層計(SD-OCT)で測定された早期緑内障眼における黄斑部パラメータと視野障害の関係の報告。対象と方法:広義原発開放隅角緑内障21例31眼を対象とし,2種(3D OCT-2000,RTVue-100)のSD-OCTで黄斑部パラメータ(NFL厚,GCL+IPL厚,GCC厚,GLV,FLV)を測定した。視野検査はHumphrey視野計の中心30-2のMD値とPSD値,VFIで評価した。黄斑部パラメータと視野指標との関係を回帰分析で評価した。結果:黄斑部パラメータとMD値との決定係数(R2)で,最も高いのはGLVであった(0.559,p<0.05)。PSD,VFIにおいては,FLVのR2が最も高かった。結論:2機種の黄斑部パラメータは,各視野指標と有意に相関していた。早期緑内障眼での視野障害を最も反映していたのは,FLVであった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the correlation between visual field loss and macular parameters using two spectral-domain optical coherence tomograph(SD-OCT)instruments in early-stage glaucomatous eyes. Cases and Method:Thirty-one eyes of 21 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma were evaluated by SD-OCT(RTVue-100, 3D OCT-2000), regarding nerve fiber layer thickness, ganglion cell plus inner plexiform layer thickness, ganglion cell complex thickness, global loss volume, and focal loss volume. Visual field was evaluated by MD value, PSD value and VFI measured using Humphrey perimetry. The relationship between macular parameters and visual field indices was evaluated by regression analysis. Results:Coefficient of determination(R2)was the highest between GLV and MD value(0.559, p<0.05). FLV was significantly correlated with VFI. Conclusion:Macular parameters of the two SD-OCT instruments were significantly correlated with visual field indices. The findings show that FLV best reflects visual fields defects in glaucoma in its early-stage.
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