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要約 目的:黄斑部神経節細胞複合体厚,乳頭周囲の網膜神経線維層厚,乳頭形態と緑内障視野障害との関係の報告。対象と方法:広義の原発開放隅角緑内障147眼を対象とし,スペクトラルドメイン光干渉断層計(SD-OCT)により黄斑部神経節細胞複合体厚,乳頭周囲の網膜神経線維層厚,乳頭形態を測定した。これら計測値と,Humphrey視野計によるMD,PSD,VFIを指標とした視野障害との関係を回帰分析で評価した。結果:初期と中期の緑内障では,視野のMD値と網膜神経線維層厚との間の決定係数R2が最も高かった。視野のPSD値とVFI値は黄斑部神経節細胞複合体厚と有意に相関した。視野の各指標とrim volumeとの間に有意な相関があった。結論:黄斑部神経節細胞複合体厚と視野のVFIとには関連があり,緑内障眼で進行する中心視野障害の評価に有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report glaucomatous visual field loss as related to morphology of optic disc,thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFLT)and of ganglion cell complex(GCC)in the macula in glaucoma. Cases and Method:A total of 147 eyes with glaucoma were evaluated by spectral domain optical coherence tomography regarding RNFLT,GCC thickness and optic disc morphology. The values were subjected to regression analysis with findings by Humphrey perimetry with MD,PSD and VFI serving as paramenters. Results:Coefficient of determination(R2)was the highest between RNFLT and MD value in eary and moderate stage of glaucoma. GCC thickness was significantly correlated with PSD and VFI values. Visual field parameters were correlated with rim volume. Conclusion:GCC thickness is significantly correlated with VFI and may serve as indicator for progression of glaucomatous visual field defect.

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