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要約 目的:網膜色素変性症がある患者の白内障手術についての眼科医の意識調査の報告。対象と方法:電子メールにより,全国の眼科医574名にアンケートを送り,10項目の設問に回答を求めた。結果:197名(34.3%)から回答があった。網膜色素変性症の患者に白内障手術を勧めるかについては,67.2%が勧めない,18.1%が勧めると答えた。手術の時期については,白内障の程度,患者の希望,視力の順に回答が多かった。術前の説明で,78.2%が「視機能改善に希望を抱かせない」と述べた。56.6%が白内障術後に病状が悪化する可能性があると答えた。結論:網膜色素変性症がある患者の白内障手術については,消極的な意見が多かったが,この問題についてガイドラインを出すことが望まれた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of survey regarding the feasibility of cataract surgery on patients with retinitis pigmentosa(RP). Object and Method:A questionnaire containing 10 items was sent to 574 ophthalmologists in Japan by e-mail. Results:Response came from a total of 197 ophthalmologists(34.3%). Cataract surgery was recommended by 18.1% of respondents and not by 67.2%. Following factors were considered in deciding for surgery in the descending order:degree of cataract,patients' desire,and degree of visual acuity. During consultation before surgery,78.2% of respondents told not to be optimistic about the outcome of surgery. A total of 56.6% were of opinion that cataract surgery may be injurious to RP. Conclusion:Majority of ophthalmologists did not advocate cataract surgery on patients with PR. There is an urgent need of guideline on this problem to be distributed to ophthalmologists.

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