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要約 目的:眼科病院または診療所に通院中の緑内障あるいは高眼圧症患者の薬物治療状況の報告。対象と方法:30施設に通院中の緑内障あるいは高眼圧症患者3,074例を調査し,65歳以上の高齢患者1,951例と65歳未満の若年・中年患者1,123例での薬物治療の相違を検討した。2007年に行った調査と比較した。結果:平均使用薬剤数は高齢患者(1.8±0.9剤)が若年・中年患者(1.6±0.9剤)に比べて有意に多かった。両群ともに単剤例ではプロスタグランジン関連薬が,2剤併用例ではラタノプロスト+β遮断点眼薬の組み合わせが最多であった。前回調査と比べて,単剤例でプロスタグランジン関連薬の使用が有意に増加していた。結論:高齢患者と若年・中年患者での緑内障薬物治療は似ていた。前回調査と比較してプロスタグランジン関連薬がますます使用されていた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the current status of medication for outpatients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Method:This survey was made on 3,074 patients who were under treatment for glaucoma or ocular hypertension in 30 institutions. The series comprised 1,951 patients over 65 years of age and 1,123 patients less than 65 years. The outcome was compared with a similar survey in 2007. Results:The number of medication averaged 1.8±0.9 drugs in senile patients and 1.6±0.9 drugs by juvenile and adult ones. The difference was significant. In both groups,prostaglandin-related drug was the most frequent when one medication only was prescribed. Prostaglandin-related drugs were more prescribed in 2009 than 2007. Combination of latanoprost and beta-blockers was the most frequent in both groups when two medications were prescribed. Conclusion:Mode of treatment for glaucoma was essentially similar in both age-groups. Prostaglandin-related drugs was more favored than before.

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