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要約 目的:壊死性強膜炎に対して大腿筋膜の自家移植が奏効した3例の報告。症例:それぞれ57歳男性,66歳男性,79歳女性で,いずれも片眼性であった。1例目は翼状片手術後,2例目は球結膜の腫瘤摘出後,3例目は緑膿菌感染を伴う壊死性強膜炎が発症した。いずれも壊死した強膜部位を切除し,大腿筋膜を移植した。移植した筋膜の生着は良好で,壊死性強膜炎の再発はなかった。結論:壊死性強膜炎に対する壊死部の切除と自己大腿筋膜の移植は,拒絶反応がなく,免疫抑制薬の投与を必要とせず,有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 3 cases of necrotizing scleritis treated by autograft of fascia lata. Cases:The present series comprised 57-year-old male,66-year-old male,and 79-year-old female. All were unilaterally affected. Necrotizing scleritis developed following surgery for pterygium in one case,after resection of conjunctival tumor in another,and with infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the other. Each affected eye was treated by resection of necrotic sclera and transplantation of fascia lata to fill the scleral defect. Necrotic scleritis was cured in each eye with no recurrence. Conclusion:Resection of necrotic sclera with transplantation of fascia lata was effective without immune reaction needing no additional immunosuppressive medication.

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