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要約 目的:遠視性不同視弱視の予後因子の検討。対象と方法:2007年までの11年間に受診し,初診時10歳未満の82例を対象とした。最終視力1.0以上を良好,1.0未満を不良とし,両群の初診時視力,治療開始時期,遠視と不同視の程度を検討した。結果:最終視力は63名(77%)が良好,19名(23%)が不良であった。初診時年齢は両群の間に差はなかった。初診時の患眼矯正視力の平均はlogMAR換算で良好群0.62,不良群0.83で有意差があった(p<0.01)。調節麻痺後の屈折は,良好群+5.2±1.6D,不良群+6.2±1.5Dで有意差があり(p<0.03),不同視の程度はそれぞれ3.2±1.4Dと4.1±1.5Dで有意差があった(p<0.02)。結論:遠視性不同視弱視の視力予後には,治療開始時期は関係せず,初診時視力,遠視と不同視の程度が関係する。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of amblyopia associated with hypermetropic anisometropia in children. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 82 children who were first seen during 11 years through 2007 and who were initially aged 10 years or less. Results:Final visual acuity was good with 1.0 or over in 63 cases(77%)and poor with less than 1.0 in 19(23%). There was no difference in age between the two groups. Initial visual acuity in the affected eye averaged,in logMAR,0.62 in the former group and 0.83 in the latter. The difference was significant(p<0.01). There were significant differences between the two groups regarding refraction under cycloplegia(p<0.03)and amount of anisometropia(p<0.02). Conclusion:Visual outcome of amblyopia with hypermetropic anisometropia depends on initial visual acuity and amount of hypermetropia and anisometropia,and not on the age at the start of treatment.

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