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要約 目的:ドライアイ患者に投与したピロカルピン内服の短期効果の報告。対象と方法:口腔乾燥症状を伴うドライアイまたはその疑いがある15例30眼を対象とした。男性2例,女性13例で,平均年齢は61.8±12.0歳である。5mgピロカルピンを1日2回経口投与し,1時間後,4週間後,8週間後に自覚的と他覚的な効果を判定した。結果:口腔乾燥症状と涙膜破壊時間は投与1時間後から有意に改善した。眼の自覚症状と角結膜染色所見は4週間後から有意に改善した。Schirmer試験の結果は改善しなかった。結論:ピロカルピンの内服は,口腔乾燥症状があるドライアイの治療として,有効な選択肢になる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the short-term effect of peroally administered pilocarpine for dry eye. Cases and Method:This prospective study was made on 30 eyes of 15 patients with dry eye and oral symptoms. The series comprised 2 males and 13 females. The age averaged 61.8±12.0 years. Each patient received 5 mg pilocarpine twice daily. Subjective and objective findings were evaluated 1 hour,4 weeks,and 8 weeks after start of treatment. Oral symptoms were evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS). Results:VAS and tear breakup time started to significantly improve one hour after treatment. Subjective ocular symptoms and findings by fluorescein staining of the cornea significantly improved after 4 weeks of treatment. There was no change in findings by Schirmer test throughout the study for 8 weeks. Conclusion:Peroral pilocarpine promises to be of value for dry eye with oral symptoms.

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