

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case of optic neuropathy by signet-ring cell carcinoma metastatic to the optic nerve Chiho Takagi 1 , Masako Yamada 1 , Tomoko Harada 2 , Akiko Iwama 3 , Toshinobu Kubota 4 1Dept of Ophthalmol,Meitetsu Hosp 2Dept of Pathol,Meitetsu Hosp 3Dept of Gastroenterol,Meitetsu Hosp 4Dept of Ophthalmol,Nat Hosp Org Nagoya Clin Cent pp.973-978
Published Date 2010/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410103231
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Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of metastasis of gastric carcinoma to the optic nerve manifesting as optic neuropathy. Case:A 63-year-old male presented with impaired visual acuity in the right eye since 10 days before. He had had abdominal pain 6 months before and been diagnosed with gastric carcinoma 3 months before. He had been receiving systemic chemotherapy with four drugs. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was hand motion right and 1.0 left. The right eye showed choked disc with vitreous opacity. The right eye showed central scotoma and field defect in the nasal sector. Computed tomography showed spindle-shaped swelling of right optic nerve. No cerebral disorder was detected by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Modification of chemotherapy was followed by improved visual acuity to 0.3. He died of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome(DIC)40 days after his initial visit. Conclusions:This case illustrates that optic neuropathy may be caused by metastasis of carcinoma to the optic nerve.

Copyright © 2010, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


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