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要約 背景:硬膜拡張症は神経鞘部くも膜下腔の囊状拡張で,神経線維腫症1型に多い。視神経に生じるのは稀である。目的:視神経鞘に生じた硬膜拡張症の症例に眼内炎が生じた報告。症例:50歳男性が左眼の眼痛で受診した。18年前に両眼の水晶体脱臼に対して水晶体摘出を受けていた。所見:矯正視力は右0.06,左手動弁で,右眼の屈折は+7Dであった。右眼に強膜の部分的な菲薄化,左眼に強膜穿孔と眼内炎があった。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)で両眼の視神経が蛇行・腫大し,眼球の変形があり,硬膜拡張症と診断した。皮膚と骨に病変はなく,虹彩結節はなかった。神経線維腫症1型を示す所見はなかった。結論:本症例は硬膜拡張症が視神経に生じ得ることを示している。強度近視,過去の水晶体摘出術,強膜軟化症が眼内炎の素因になった可能性がある。
Abstract. Background:Dural ectasia is a cystic expansion of the subarachnoid space of the neurolemma and may be present in neurofibromatosis type 1. It rarely involves the optic nerve. Purpose:To report a case of dural ectasia involving the optic nerve sheath complicated by endophthalmitis. Case:A 50-year-old male presented with pain in the left eye. He had received extraction of luxated lens in both eyes 18 years before. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 0.06 right and hand motion left. The right eye had refraction of +7 diopters. The right eye showed partial thinning of the sclera. The left eye showed scleral perforation with endophthalmitis. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed tortuosity and thickening of optic nerve in both eyes with deformity of the eyeglobes. The findings led to the diagnosis of dural ectasia of the optic nerve. Findings were absent suggesting neurofibromatosis type 1 regarding the skin,bones,or the iris. Conclusion:This case illustrates that dural ectasia may involve the optic nerve sheath. There is a possibility that endophthalmitis was secondary to scleromalacia,lens extraction in the past,and high myopia.

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