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要約 目的:エタンブトール視神経症3例の経過観察にThe 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire(VFQ-25)を用いた報告。症例:症例は71歳男性1例と64歳女性2例で,いずれもMycobacterium avium complexによる肺感染症に対してエタンブトールを内服していた。2例で両眼の視力低下,1例で両眼の色覚異常が突発した。エタンブトール内服を中止し,7~15か月後に全例で視機能が回復した。結果:全例でVFQ-25の総スコアであるコンポ7とコンポ10の値が低下し,自覚症状の改善とともにこれらの値が上昇した。結論:エタンブトール視神経症3例の経過観察で,視力と限界フリッカ値とともに,自覚症状を定量化できるVFQ-25が有用であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report 3 cases of ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy who were followed up using the 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire(VFQ-25). Cases:The present cases comprised a 71-year-old male and two 64-year-old female. They had been treated by peroral ethambutol for pulmonary infection by Mycobacterium avium complex. Two cases developed sudden visual impairment in both eyes and one cases developed sudden color vision defect. The visual function recovered in all the cases 7 to 15 months after discontinuation of ethambutol. Results:All the cases showed impaired component 7 and 10 initially. These values gradually improved along with recovery of visual function. Conclusion:Use of VFQ-25 was useful in the objective assessment of visual function in 3 cases of ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy.

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