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要約 目的:0.3%ガチフロキサシンまたは0.5%レボフロキサシンの術前点眼による減菌効果の報告。対象と方法:白内障,緑内障,または両者同時手術が予定され,結膜囊の擦過培養で菌が検出された75例83眼を対象とした。男性34例,女性41例で,44眼は眼圧下降薬を点眼中であった。術前3日前から1日4回の点眼を行い,術の前日に結膜囊からの培養を行った。結果:結膜囊の減菌化率は,ガチフロキサシン群で39眼中36眼(92%),レボフロキサシン群で44眼中38眼(86%)であり,両群間に有意差はなかった。緑内障に対する点眼の有無は減菌率に影響しなかった。結果:ガチフロキサシンまたはレボフロキサシンの点眼は,白内障または緑内障の術前減菌法として有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the prophylactic effect of 0.3% gatifloxacin or 0.5% levofloxacin before surgery for cataract or glaucoma. Patients and Method:This study was made on 83 eyes of 75 patients who were scheduled for cataract or glaucoma surgery and who were positive after culture of smear conjunctival sac. The series comprised 34 males and 41 females. Topical antiglaucomatous medication was being used in 44 eyes. All the cases started instillation of gatifloxacin or levofloxacin 4 times daily for 3 days before surgery. Culture of conjunctival sac was made on the day before surgery. Results:Culture gave negative results in 36 out of 39 eyes(92%)after instillation of gatifloxacin and in 38 out of 44 eyes(86%)after levofloxacin. There was no difference between the two groups. Concomitant use of antiglaucomatous medication did not influence the result. Conclusion:Prophylactic instillation of gatifloxacin or levofloxacin is useful before surgery for cataract or glaucoma.

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