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要約 目的:感染性角膜炎の自験例の患者背景と起炎菌の報告。対象と方法:2006年までの6年間に久留米大学眼科を受診した感染性角膜炎99例99眼を診療録により検索した。ヘルペスウイルスによる角膜炎は除外した。男性48例,女性51例で,年齢は0~93歳(平均56.2±23.5歳)であった。顕微鏡検査または培養により起炎菌を推定した。起炎菌は4群に分けて評価した。結果:起炎菌は62例で検出され,真菌31%,グラム陰性桿菌19%,グラム陽性球菌18%,その他32%であった。2006年の感染性角膜炎全国調査に比べ真菌が多かった。結論:今回の調査で真菌による感染性角膜炎が全国平均よりも多かったのは,当科が農村の近くにある紹介型の医療施設であるためと推定される。
Abstract. Purpose:To review infectious keratitis in regarding causative microorganisms and patient background. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 99 eyes of 99 patients seen during 6 years through 2006 at Kurume University Hospital. Cases were excluded due to herpetic virus. The series comprised 48 males and 51 females. The age ranged from zero to 93 years,average 56.2±23.5 years. Causative microorganisms were identified by microscopy or culture. They were evaluated after classification into 4 categories. Results:Causative organisms were identified in 62 cases. They comprised fungi 31%,gram-negative bacilli 19%,gram-positive cocci 18% and others 32%. Incidence of fungus keratitis was higher than that by nationwide survey of infectious keratitis in 2006. Conclusion:Incidence of fungus keratitis in the present survey was higher than the national average probably because our hospital is a tertiary one located in rural area.

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