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要約 目的:全層角膜移植でレシピエントとドナー間の性差が拒絶反応の発症に影響するか否かについての報告。対象と方法:過去6年間に全層角膜移植を受けた290例334眼を対象とした。男性177眼,女性157眼で,年齢は3~93歳(平均62歳)である。結果:40眼(12.0%)に拒絶反応が生じた。その頻度は,レシピエントとドナーの性が同じ172眼では22眼(12.8%),性が異なる162眼では18眼(11.1%)であり,両群間に有意差はなかった。ドナーとレシピエントがそれぞれ男性-男性である111眼では16眼(14.4%),女性-女性の61眼では6眼(9.8%),男性-女性の96眼では13眼(13.5%),女性-男性の66眼では5眼(7.6%)に拒絶反応が生じた。これら4群間に有意差はなかった。結論:全層角膜移植で,レシピエントとドナーの性は拒絶反応の発症に影響しない。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the influence of sex between recipient and donor on graft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 334 eyes of 290 patients who received penetrating keratoplasty during the past 6 years. The series comprised 177 male and 157 female eyes. The age ranged from 3 to 93 years,average 62 years. Results:Graft rejection occurred in 40 out of 334 eyes(12.0%). It occurred in 22 out of 172 eyes(12.8%)beween the same sex and in 18 out of 162 eyes(11.1%)between different sexes. Its incidence was 16 out of 111 eyes(14.4%)when both were males and 6 out of 61 eyes(9.8%)when both were females. It was 13 out of 96 eyes(13.5%)from male donor to female recipient and 5 out of 66 eyes(7.6%)vice versa. There was no significant difference among the four groups. Conclusion:Graft rejection following penetrating keratoplasty develops independent on sex of the donor or recipient.

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