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要約 目的:全層角膜移植後の拒絶反応に関係する諸要因について多変量解析を行った結果の報告。対象と方法:過去5年間に行った全層角膜移植51例54眼を対象とした。男性28眼,女性26眼で,年齢は13~84歳(平均57歳)である。移植角膜は31眼では国内から,23眼では国外から得られた。結果:拒絶反応は54眼中10眼(18.5%)に生じ,1年生存率は81.4%,3年生存率は66.8%で,提供者が国内または国外であるかは関係しなかった。50歳以上の被移植者では拒絶反応が有意に低かった(p<0.05)。これ以外の8要因は拒絶反応の発症と有意な関連がなかった。結論:全層角膜移植後の拒絶反応は,50歳以上の被移植者で有意に低かった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the result of multivariate analysis related to graft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 54 eyes of 51 cases who received penetrating keratoplasty during the past 5 years. The series comprised 28 male and 26 female eyes. The age ranged from 13 to 84 years,average 57 years. The corneal graft came from domestic donors in 31 cases and from overseas donors in 23 cases. Results:Graft rejection occurred in 10 out of 54 eyes(18.5%). Survival rate was 81.4% for one year and 66.8% for 3 years. There was no difference in the rate of survival whether the cornea was from domestic or overseas donors. Incidence of graft rejection was significantly low in recipients aged 50 years or over(p<0.05). Other 8 factors were not significantly related with the incidence of graft rejection. Conclusion:Incidence of graft rejection was significantly low in recipients aged 50 years or over.

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