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要約 目的:高齢者の鈍的外傷による眼障害の報告。対象と方法:過去5年間に経験した鈍的外傷による60歳以上の眼障害28例28眼を検索した。男性13例,女性15例で,男性1例と女性13例の計14例には白内障手術の既往があり,男性12例と女性2例の計14例は有水晶体眼であった。結果:19例(68%)で転倒が受傷の原因であり,うち白内障術後眼が11眼,有水晶体眼が8眼を占めていた。眼球破裂が白内障術後眼では14眼中12眼(86%),有水晶体眼では14眼中4眼(29%)であった。最終視力は,白内障術後眼の9眼と有水晶体眼の3眼で0.1未満であった。眼球破裂の開放創は,白内障術後眼では全例で白内障手術の強角膜創に一致するか,術創が拡大する形をとった。結論:白内障手術の既往がある高齢者では,鈍的外傷で手術創が破裂または開放しやすく,視力予後が不良である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report ocular injuries due to blunt trauma in persons aged 60 or over. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 28 eyes of 28 patients who were seen by us for ocular injury during the past 5 years. The series comprised 13 males and 15 females. Fourteen patients had had cataract surgery,comprising 1 male and 13 females. The other 14 patients,consisting of 12 males and 2 females,were phakic. Results:Falling down was the most frequent cause of trauma in 19 cases(68%),comprising 11 cases with past history of cataract surgery and 8 cases with phakic eyes. Eyeglobe rupture occurred in 12 out of 14 eyes(86%)with history of cataract surgery and in 4 out of 14 phakic eyes(29%). Final visual acuity was lower than 0.1 in 9 eyes with past cataract surgery and in 3 phakic eyes. Site of eyeglobe rupture corresponded with the corneoscleral wound of cataract surgery either as reopening or its enlargement. Conclusion:Senile persons with history of cataract surgery have a high risk of eyeglobe rupture resulting in poor visual outcome.

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