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要約 目的:過去10年間に当院で発症した未熟児網膜症の報告。対象と方法:2005年までの10年間に産業医科大学病院の新生児集中治療室に入院し,眼底検査を受けた生下時体重1,500g以下の217例を対象とした。在胎期間は22~36週(平均29週)であり,出生体重は440~1,492g(平均1,071g)であった。結果:未熟児網膜症の発症率は70.5%,治療を要した症例は22.5%であり,在胎期間が短く,出生体重が低いほど,発症率と要治療率が高かった。短い在胎週数,低い出生体重,Apgarスコアの1分と5分値,無呼吸発作,呼吸窮迫症候群,人工呼吸管理,脳室内出血,輸血のいずれもが発症因子であった。短い在胎週数,低い出生体重,Apgarスコアの1分と5分値,脳室内出血,輸血のいずれもが重症化因子であった。結論:出生体重が1,500g未満の新生児では,未熟な児ほど未熟児網膜症の発症率と要治療率が高かった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report retinopathy of prematurity in our institutionin the past 10 years through 2005. Cases:This study was made on 217 newborn babies with birthweight of 1,500g or less. The gestational period ranged from 22 to 36 weeks, average 29 weeks. The birthweight ranged from 440 to 1,492g, average 1,071g. Results:Retinopathy of prematurity developed in 70.5% of cases. Treatment was performed in 22.5% of cases. Following risk factors were identified:low birthweight, short gestational period, 1-and 5-minute Apgar score, respiratory distress syndrome, episodes of apnea, artificial ventilation, intraventricular hemorrhage, and blood transfusion. Following factors were indicators for laser treatment:low birthweight, short gestational period, 1-and 5-minute Apgar score, intraventricular hemorrhage, and blood transfusion. Conclusion:Retinopathy of prematurity is more frequent and severe in more immature babies.

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