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要約 目的:往診した眼科患者を在宅者と有料老人ホーム入居者とに分け,眼疾患と全身状態について検討した結果の報告。対象と方法:過去31か月間に往診した40症例を解析した。在宅者13例,老人ホーム入居者27例で,男性13例,女性27例であり,年齢は63~104歳(平均86歳)であった。結果:全身状態についての診療情報は,在宅者では8例(62%),ホーム入居者では25例(93%)から提供された。視力低下はそれぞれ11例(85%)と22例(81%),両眼とも視力0.5以下はそれぞれ9例(69%)と13例(48%),外眼部疾患はそれぞれ5例(38%)と7例(26%),脳または神経疾患はそれぞれ6例(46%)と15例(56%),整形外科疾患はそれぞれ3例(23%)と7例(26%)にあった。年齢については両群間に有意差がなかった。結論:往診の依頼は,脳または精神疾患があることが多く,在宅者では外眼疾患が多い。全体を通じ,全身疾患のために来院が困難なことが往診を依頼する主要な原因であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the present status of patients who requested house visit with particular emphasis on eye and systemic problems. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 40 patients who requested house visit during the past 31-month period. The series comprised 13 males and 27 females. The age ranged from 63 to 104 years, average 86 years. Thirteen patients were living in their own home and 27 were staying in institutions. Results:Informations regarding general status was supplied from 8 home-residents(62%)and 25 persons(93%)staying in institutions. Visual acuity was impaired in 11 cases(85%)and 22 cases(81%)respectively. It was less than 0.5 in both eyes in 9 cases(69%)and 13 cases(48%)respectively. External eye disease was present in 5 cases(38%)and 7 cases(26%)respectively. Cerebral or mental diseases was present in 6 cases(46%)and 15 cases(56%)respectively. Orthopedic problems were present in 3 cases(23%)and 7 cases(26%)respectively. There was no significant difference regarding the age between both groups. Conclusion:House visit was requested mainly from persons who could not come to outpatient department due to systemic problems including cerebral or mental diseases.

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