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要約 目的:近視に対して行われたLASIK後に発症した両眼の感染性角膜炎の症例の報告。症例:ベトナムに留学中の20歳の日本人女性が両眼の-6Dの近視に対し,現地でLASIKを受けた。その翌日に現地のホテルで水道水で洗顔した。1週間後に両眼の霧視,2週間後に視力低下と疼痛が生じ,その翌日,両眼にフラップ下の洗浄が行われた。日本に帰国し,手術から17日目に当科を受診した。所見と経過:矯正視力は右0.02,左1.5で,右眼に角膜びらんと実質の混濁,左眼に角膜実質下の膿瘍が2か所にあった。抗菌薬,抗真菌薬,抗原虫薬の投与,フラップ下洗浄,フラップ除去を行ったが軽快しなかった。LASIKから約2か月後に行った深層角膜移植で改善し,最終視力として右0.9,左0.8が得られた。経過中に真菌と細菌が検出された。結論:LASIK後の角膜感染症では,角膜上皮が変化しているために病像が修飾され,注意が望まれる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case who developed infectious keratitis in both eyes soon after LASIK. Case:A 20-year-old Japanese woman had myopia of -6 diopters in both eyes. She underwent LASIK in both eyes while staying in Vietnam. She washed her face by tap water in a local hotel. One week after LASIK, she noted blurred vision in both eyes, followed by further blurring and pain another week later. She visited us 17 days after LASIK. Findings:Her corrected visual acuity was 0.02 right and 1.5 left. The right eye showed corneal erosion and turbid stroma. The left eye showed two areas of stromal abscess. The lesion progressed after treatment with antibiotics, antifungal agents, and removal of corneal flap. Fungal and bacterial organisms were isolated during the course of the disease. Cure was obtained after deep lamellar keratoplasty performed 2 months after LASIK, resulting in final visual acuity of 0.9 right and 0.8 left. Conclusion:This case illustrates that cornal infection following LASIK may manifest unconventional findings and clinical course due to altered corneal epithelium.

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