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要約 目的:アトピー性皮膚炎がある症例に対する角膜移植の,拒絶反応,感染,アトピー性強角膜炎を含めた術後経過の報告。対象と方法:2014年までの9年間に行った初回角膜移植189例のうち,アトピー性皮膚炎がある9例9眼を対象とし,診療録の記述をもとに検討した。男性6例,女性3例で,平均年齢は44歳であった。角膜移植が行われた原因疾患は,水疱性角膜症2眼,円錐角膜5眼,角膜穿孔1眼,角膜ジストロフィ1眼で,7眼に全層角膜移植,2眼に表層角膜移植が行われた。結果:術後28か月の間に,拒絶反応が4眼(57%)に生じ,1眼に再移植が行われた。2眼に術後感染があり,角膜または前房水からメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)が検出された。角膜移植後のアトピー性強角膜炎はなかった。結論:アトピー性皮膚炎がある症例に対する角膜移植では,拒絶反応の予防とMRSAなどによる感染症に留意する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of keratoplasty in cases with atopic dermatitis with particular attention to graft rejection, infection, and atopic sclerokeratitis. Cases and Method:A total of 189 keratoplasty had been performed during 9 years through 2014 by us. Out of this series, we made a retrospective study on 9 eyes of 9 patients with atopic dermatitis. There were 6 males and 3 females. The age averaged 44 years. Keratoplasty was performed for bullous keratopathy 2 eyes, keratoconus 5 eyes, corneal perforation one eye, and corneal dystrophy one eye. Perforating keratoplasty was performed on 7 eyes and lamellar keratoplasty on 2 eyes. Results:Four eyes(57%)developed graft rejection during the period of observation averaging 28 months. One eye received another session of keratoplasty. Two eyes developed infection after surgery. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the cornea or anterior chamber in these 2 eyes. There was no case of atopic sclerokeratitids after keratoplasty. Conclusion:These cases illustrate the need to prevent graft rejection and infection by MRSA after keratoplasty in cases with atopic dermatitis.

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