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要約 目的:25ゲージ(G)システムを使って先天白内障に対する経毛様体水晶体切除術を行った報告。症例:3歳男児が3歳児健診で視力不良であることが発見された。矯正視力は右0.09,左0.4で,両眼に白内障があった。全身麻酔下で25Gシステムを使い,経毛様体前部硝子体切除と水晶体切除術を行った。灌流液の漏出がなく,眼圧が保たれていることを確認し,無縫合で手術を終わった。結果:術後の経過は順調で,術後6か月で左右眼とも0.9の矯正視力を得た。結論:25Gシステムによる経毛様体水晶体切除術は先天白内障に対する手術法の選択肢の1つである。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of congenital cataract treated by pars plana lensectomy using 25-gauge system. Case:A 3-year-old boy was found to have defective vision during health-check program for 3-year-old children. He had cataract in both eyes with corrected visual acuity of 0.09 right and 0.4 left. He received pars plana lensectomy and anterior vitrectomy using 25-gauge system under general anesthesia. No suture was used after confirming no leakage of irrigating fluid with normal intraocular pressure. Results:Postopertive course was uneventful, resulting in corrected visual acuity of 0.9 in either eye 6 months after surgery. Conclusion:Pars plana lensectomy using 25-gauge system is one of options for treatment of congenital cataract.

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