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要約 目的:多彩な視覚認知障害を呈した後頭葉梗塞の1例の報告。症例:49歳男性に脳梗塞が発症し,その直後から相貌失認,色覚失認,視野欠損,地誌的失見当識,漢字の失読失書を訴えた。発症から1年後に眼科的な検索を行った。所見:矯正視力は右1.2,左1.5であり,両眼の視野に左同名半盲と右上四半盲があった。Panel D-15検査で第1色覚異常に近い所見が得られた。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)では,左上方を残し,一次視覚域全域から海馬の後方部を含む側頭後頭葉の下面と内側面に広がる脳梗塞があった。フルオロデオキシグルコースを用いた陽電子放射断層撮影(PET)では,MRIで同定された病変よりも広い範囲に糖代謝の低下があり,フルマゼニルPETではこれと同部位にベンゾジアゼピン受容体密度の著しい低下があった。以後1年間の経過中,症状の改善はなかった。結論:本症例では,頭蓋内の病変部位の診断にPETが有効であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of ocipital infarction who manifested various disturbances in vision and recognition. Case:A 49-year-old male suffered from cerebral infarction. After the episode, he complained of prosopagnosia, color blindness, visual field defect, environmental agnosia, and alexia-agraphia of Chinese characters. He was seen by us one year later. Findings:His corrected visual acuity was 1.2 right and 1.5 left. Both eyes showed left hemianopsia and right upper quadrantanopsia. Panel D-15 showed findings simulating protanopia. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed infarction involving right visual cortex and inferior portion of left visual cortex including the posterior portion of hippocampus. Positron emission tomography(PET)using fluorodeoxyglucose showed area of low glucose metabolism which was larger than the area of cerebral infarction identified by MRI. PET using flumazenyl showed remarkably low density of receptor for benzodiazepine in the same area. There has been no change in clinical manifestations of the patient during one year of follow up. Conclusion:PET was useful in the identification of topo-graphical distribution of intracranial lesion in the present patient.

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