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要約 目的:全層角膜移植術後に発症した緑内障に対する線維柱帯切除術の眼圧と角膜移植片への影響の報告。対象と方法:全層角膜移植術後に線維柱帯切除術を行い,6か月以上の経過観察ができた44例44眼を対象とした。男性26例,女性18例であり,年齢は37~88歳(平均69歳)である。全症例が角膜移植までに白内障手術,緑内障手術,レーザー虹彩切開術など,平均2.7回の内眼手術を受けていた。44眼中,有水晶体眼が2眼,眼内レンズ挿入眼が36眼,無水晶体眼が6眼であった。眼圧は平均33.6±11.2mmHgであった。結果:線維柱帯切除術6か月後の眼圧は13.5±6.1mmHg,12か月後の眼圧は10.8±5.3mmHgであり,術前よりも有意に下降した。眼圧生存率は12か月後で70.0%,24か月後で57.6%,48か月後で40.0%であった。角膜拒絶反応が4眼,角膜内皮機能不全が11眼に生じた。結論:全層角膜移植術後に発症した緑内障に対する線維柱帯切除術はすぐれた眼圧下降効果があるが,術後次第に効果が低下し,移植角膜片への影響も大きい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of trabeculectomy for glaucoma after penetrating keratoplasty(PKP). Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 44 eyes of 44 patients who underwent trabeculectomy for glaucoma after PKP. The series comprised 26 males and 18 females. Their age ranged from 37 to 88 years,average 69 years. All the eyes had an average of 2.7 intraocular surgery. Out of the 44 eyes,2 were phakic,36 were pseudophakic,and 6 were aphakic. The intraocular pressure(IOP)averaged 33.6±11.2mmHg. Results:IOP decreased to an average of 13.5±6.1mmHg 6 months and 10.8±5.3mmHg 12 months after trabeculectomy. The decreases were significant from the preoperative value. Survival rate regarding IOP was 70.0% at 12 months,57.6% at 24 months,and 40.0% at 48 months. Corneal graft rejection developed in 4 eyes and corneal decompensation in 11 eyes. Conclusion:Trabeculectomy is effective for glaucoma after PKP. The beneficial effect decreases along with postsurgical duration. Corneal endothelial damage is a major complication.

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