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(P−1-25) 緑内障または非緑内障の41例82眼について,中心角膜厚と眼圧を非接触式眼圧計(NCT),ゴールドマン圧平式眼圧計(GAT)を用いて測定した。NCTとGATの眼圧読み値の乖離と中心角膜厚は有意な相関を示し(単回帰分析:R=0.694,p<0.0001),回帰直線は,中心角膜厚(μm)=9.045×(NCT-GAT)+547.38であった。角膜が厚いほどNCTの眼圧読み値はGATに対して高値となり,薄いほど低値であった。中心角膜厚はNCTとGATの眼圧読み値の乖離の要因であると結論される。
We studied 82 eyes of 41 patients with or without glaucoma regarding the central corneal thickness and tonometric readings by non-contact tonometer (NCT) and Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) . The correlation coefficient between central corneal thickness and difference of IOP readings (NCT -GAT) was 0.694 (p < 0.0001) . The regression line was central corneal thickness (um) = 9.045 × (NCT -GAT) + 547.38. NCT readings showed higher values than those by GAT in eyes with greater corneal thickness and vice versa. The findings show the corneal thickness to be a major factor for discrepancy between NCT and GAT readings.

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