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要約 66歳女性が右眼白内障手術を受けた。2か月前に左足関節骨折に対して骨接合術を受け,以後整形外科に入院中であった。抗生物質の点滴が術後8日間行われていた。白内障手術は術中・術後とも問題はなかった。フロモキセフナトリウム(フルマリン(R))の点滴を術後3日間行い,レボフロキサシン(クラビット(R))の内服に切り替えた。術後5日目に咽頭痛,悪心,発熱が起こった。3日後に体温が40℃になり,血圧が下降してショック状態になった。便からメチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(MRSA)が培養された。術後9日目に敗血症の状態になり,急性腎不全と播種性血管内凝固(DIC)が併発した。バンコマイシンの全身投与と持続的血液濾過透析を含む諸治療で全身状態は軽快した。白内障手術前の長期入院中にMRSAが定着し,術後の抗生物質投与でMRSA腸炎が発症したことが,一連の重篤な事態に至った理由と推定された。
Abstract. A 66-year-old woman received surgery for cataract in her right eye. She had been operated for fractured left ankle 2months before. She had received intravenous antibiotics for 8 days postoperatively. She had been hospitalized for rehabilitation ever since. Cataract surgery was uneventful,both intra-and postoperatively. She was given intravenous infusion of flomoxef for 3 days after surgery followed by peroral levofloxacin. She developed laryngeal pain,nausea and fever on day 5 of surgery. On day 8,she went into a state of shock after rapid decrease in blood pressure. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)was isolated from her stool. On day 9,she developed septicemia,acute renal failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC). Ultimate cure was obtained by treatments including systemic vancomycin and continuous hemodialysis. It appeared that she had become MRSA carrier during hospitalization before cataract surgery. Postoperative antibiotics seemed to have induced MRSA enteritis with grave consequences.

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