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要約 眼科手術での術後感染防止対策について,記名式アンケート調査をした。対象は全国の大学病院106施設と一般病院296施設の合計402施設であり,187施設(46.5%)から回答が得られた。21%では手術ごとに術衣の交換はせず,29%では手洗いを毎回せずに手袋の交換だけをしていた。術後の感染防止のために,点眼薬としてニューキノロンが86%で用いられ,7日以上が51%で行われていた。静注薬としてセフェム系薬が81%で使用され,その内訳は,第1世代23%,第2世代20%,第3世代38%であり,52%が術後3日間だけ使用していた。経口薬としてセフェム系薬が87%で使用され,56%が術後4~6日間であった。
Abstract. A nation-wide survey was conducted regarding the use of antibiotics and measures to control infection in eye surgery. A questionnaire was sent to 402 institutions in Japan,comprising 106 university eye departments and 296 hospitals. It was responded by a total of 187 institutions(46.5%)resulting in following major outcomes. Surgical clothes were not changed during consecutive eye surgeries(21%). Surgical gloves were changed without scrubbing anew at each consecutive surgery(29%). New quinolone as ophthalmic solution was used in 86% of institutions. It was used longer than 7 days after surgery in 51% institutions. Intravenously,cephems were used in 81% of institutions,comprising first-generation ones in 23%,second-generation ones in 20% and third-generation ones in 38%. It was used for 3 postoperative days only in 52%. Perorally,cephems were used in 87% of institutions. It was used for 4 to 6 days after surgery in 56%.

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