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乳頭周囲の網膜神経線維層(retinal nerve fiber layer:RNFL)の厚さを光干渉断層計(OCT3)で測定した。対象は正常眼29眼と緑内障眼44眼で,全例が視力0.9以上であった。正常眼のRNFL厚は平均106μmであり,耳側と鼻側が薄く上下側が厚い2峰性を示した。緑内障眼でのRNFL厚はAulhorn分類Greve変法による病期間には有意差がなく,正常とⅠ期の間にのみ有意差があった(p<0.01)。Humphrey視野のMD値は病期の進行に伴って減少し,RNFL厚とMD値の間に有意な相関があった(r=0.74,p<0.001)。
We measured the thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer(RNFL)around the optic disc in 37 eyes using an optical coherence tomography(OCT3). The series comprised 29 normal eyes and 44 glaucomatous eyes. All the eyes had visual acuity of 0.9 or over. The RNFL thickness in normal eyes averaged 106μm. It was thinner in the temporal and nasal quadrants and was thicker in suprior and inferior quadrants. There were no difference in RNFL thickness among stages of glaucomatous visual field defect as classified by Aulhorn and modified by Greve. Significant difference in RNFL thickness was present only between normal eyes and stageⅠglaucoma(p<0.01). The MD value by Humphrey perimetry decreased along with progression of stage of glaucoma. The RNFL thickness was positively correlated with the MD value and stage of glaucoma(r=0.74,p<0.001).

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