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網膜静脈分枝閉塞症(branch retinal vein occlusion:BRVO)における黄斑浮腫の網膜光干渉断層像がBRVOの範囲により,どのような影響を受けるかを検索した。発症から3か月以内の黄斑部を含むBRVO74眼を対象とした。BRVOの範囲を血管アーケード内群29眼,眼底の1象限以内群32眼,眼底の2象限以内群13眼に分類した。中心窩厚と囊胞様変化の頻度は各群間に有意差はなかった。黄斑剝離の頻度は,アーケード内群:17%,1象限内群:44%,2象限内群:62%であった(p<0.01)。BRVOの範囲は,それが広いほど黄斑部の漿液性網膜剝離の頻度が高かったが,中心窩厚や囊胞様変化の頻度には影響しなかった。
We evaluated 74 eyes of branch retinal vein occlusion(BRVO)using an optical coherence tomography(OCT). BRVO had been present for 3months or less in all the cases. BRVO involved the macula in all the cases. BRVO occurred posterior to the vascular arcades in 29 eyes. It involved one quadrant or less of the fundus in 32 eyes and 2 quadrants or less in 13 eyes.
No significant differences were present in foveal thickness or cystoid macular edema among the 3groups. When seen by OCT,the macula was detached in 17%of eyes with BRVO located within the vascular arcades,in 44%of eyes with BRVO involving less than one quadrant and in 62%of eyes with BRVO involving up to 2 quadrants. The difference was significant(p<0.01). The findings show that the extent of BRVO is positively correlated with the incidence of macular detachment but not with the foveal thickness or cystoid macular edema.

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