

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Medical counseling for retinitis pigmentosa in Kagoshima Prefecture Kiyotoshi Yoshimura 1 , Yasushi Isashiki 1,2 , Minoru Tanaka 1 , Hakuou Okabe 1 , Taiji Sakamoto 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol,Kagoshima Univ Grad Sch of Med and Dental Sci 2Watanabe Eye Clin pp.1193-1197
Published Date 2005/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410100085
  • Abstract
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A total of 83 patients received medical counseling for retinitis pigmentosa during the foregoing 4 years 6 months. The diagnosis had been recognized as specified disease in all the patients by Kagoshima Prefecture. The series comprised 45 males and 38 females. Their ages ranged from 23 to 84 years,average 60.2 years. Retinitis pigmentosa was typical in 70 cases,sectorial in 7,and atypical in 6. Mode of inheritance could be assessed at in 36 cases of typical retinitis pigmentosa. It was autosomal recessive in 32 cases and autosomal dominant in 4. The major complaints included tunnel vision,impaired visual acuity,night blindness,and associated gait disorders. More than 60% of patients wanted counseling regarding therapeutic modality and prognosis.

Copyright © 2005, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


