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人工膝関節再置換術(TKA)後のMRSA感染に対し同種大腿骨を用いて膝固定術を行った1例を経験した.症例は72歳,男性.2000年,他院にて左TKAを施行されている.2002年TKAの弛みを指摘され当院に紹介となる.感染も疑い二期的にrevision TKAを施行するも,術後感染徴候が明らかとなり,MRSAが検出された.その後のデブリドマン・人工関節の抜去で感染の鎮静化を得たが,その結果生じた広範な骨欠損部を補塡し患肢の温存と脚長の維持を目的に同種大腿骨を用いた膝固定術を施行し,現在まで良好な成績を得ている.
We report a case of a 72-year-old man who was performed arthrodesis using massive femoral allograft for MRSA infection after total knee arthroplasty (TKA).The patient had previously undergone TKA in 2000. The patient was pointed out of the loosening of TKA and referred to our hospital in 2002. After revision TKA, methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection was revealed. Frequent debridement and removal of prothesis have made the successful management of infection, however caused severe loss of bone substance. The purpose of preservation of the affected limb and leg length, it was necessary to cover the bone defect. We performed arthrodesis using massive femoral allograft and the post-operative course was uneventful.

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