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Three cases of cerebral embolism secondary to trivial trauma are reported.
Case 1: A 12-year-old male suffered a severe headache followed by a generalized convulsion after he turned his head when he was flying a kite. A neurological examination on admission demonstrat-ed right hemiparesis and aphasia. A CT revealed a low density in the left putamen, temporal lobe and frontal lobe. Left carotid angiography (CAG) showed irregular narrowing of the internal carotid with an embolic occlusion and narrowing of the middle cerebral artery with the intraluminal pres-ence of emboli both in the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. He is now doing well but has right hemiparesis.
Case 2 : This 6-year-old female could not grasp chopsticks and had neck pain 10 munites after being pulled up by the right arm by her father. Neuro-logical examination demonstrated a right hemipa-resis and aphasia. A CT scan and magnetic resonace imaging ( MRI ) of the head showed an infarcted area in the left caudate head, anterior limb of the internal capsule and putamen. Left CAG revealed an obstruction of the trunk of the middle cerebral artery. She has slight weakness in her right extremi-ties.
Case 3: This 11-year-old female noted a weak-ness in her left lower limb soon after her hair was pulled backward. On admission, a neurological examination failed to demonstrate any abnomality. CT showed an ill defined low density lesion in the right putamen. MRI revealed a high intensity lesion in a T2 weighted image. Right CAG showed an irregularity of the arterial wall in the cavernous portion of the right internal carotid artery. She was discharged with no neurological deficit.
Most reported cases of infarction associated with trivial trauma and all our patients suffered the episode shortly after cervical rotation or extension due to trivial trauma in everyday life. Cervical and intracranial carotid dissection may result in cere-bral ischemic symptoms owing to hemodynamic compromise from stenosis or occlusion, but more often an embolism of thrombotic fragments obstructs the disital vessels. The importance of rapid body movement or trivial trauma on the pathogenesis of these lesions is stressed.

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