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この特有のOKP像は,視運動性眼振の代表的な解析モデルであるCohen & Raphan model(1977)や,Waespeら(1983)の同モデルに基づく前庭小脳(特に片葉)破壊実験結果などから同部位病変に基づくdirectpathwayの障害が示唆される。
The peculiar form of the optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) in the electro-oculogram (EOG) was studied in 26 dizzy patients. The slow phase velocity in saturated below 60 degrees (53.7±6.5) and keeps steady state level in response to higher stimulus velocities, while the peak velocity rises up to 94.6± 16.5 degrees in healthy subjects. In contrast, the frequency of slow phase nystagmus (200.3±22.6) ranges within normal limits (218.0±23.4). These characteristics were significant in the student t-test.

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