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この約20年間の研究で,食物摂取の神経支配の機構が明らかにされた。現在の考えでは,食物摂取の反応を抑制し,または促進する部分は視床下部にあり,視床下部のこの働きは,さらに辺縁系や新皮質の影響をうけているという(Anand, 1961)。
食物摂取に対する視床下部の機能は,破壊実験によつて研究され始めたので多くの破壊実験があり,それによつて大部分のことはわかつたといえる。Anandら(1955)は破壊実験の結果により,外側視床下野を"食べる中枢feeding center",内側視床下部を"飽食中枢satiety center"とよんでいる。
Food intake and some other related responses induced by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus were studied in unanesthetized, unrestrained cats with implanted electrodes.
1)"Sniffing about response" and "sniffing res-ponse" were obtained by stimulation of the inter-mediate zone of the diagonal band and anterior com-missure, and the anterior division of the lateral hypothalamic area. Besides, "chop licking response" and "biting food response" were induced by stimula-tion of the anterior and posterior part of these structures, respectively.
2) Stimulation of a) the tuberal and mamillary division of the lateral hypothalamic area, b) the hypothalamic area between the columna fornicis and the mamillothalamic tract, and c) the portion caudo-lateral to the mamillary body, lateral to the tract of Meynert, resulted in "eating food response". In addition, "biting inedible object response" were pro-duced in the posterior part of these structures.
3) Threshold of the stimulation was 1.0~2.0 volt, 60c/s in the rostral part anterior to the tuberal division, and 0.5~1.0 volt in the caudal part in the above described structures.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.