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Sleep-induced effect of calcium ions perfused with-in the hypothalamus was investigated in 21 cats.
The double-walled cannulae were inserted bilat-erally in the posterior region of the hypothalamus, particularly around the dorsomedial hypothalamic area. Modified Krebs-Ringer's solution contained the calcium ions alerted selectively upto about 4 times its normal value in extracellular fluid was perfused for 30 to 40 min. at a rate of 50μ/min. by means of the cannulae.
To analyse the effect of calcium polygraphic re-cording was performed. Ocular movements, the EMG of the nuchal muscle, EEG, respiration, sys-temic blood pressure and intracranial pressure were continuously monitored. The behavioral changes of the animals were also checked.
Effect of the calcium in pathological state was also studied using kaolin-induced hydrocephalus.
In 14 of 21 cats (67%) the behavioral and phys-iological sings such as sleep were demonstrated. In 12 of 14 cats these signs became apparent within 30±27min. following the start of perfusion. When sleep was setting in, short bursts of 6-8c/s slow wave of high voltage (150-250μV) or 8-12c/s spindle bursts of 100-200μV were noted. After few min. to several ten min. frequency of slow wave was rapidly increased.
In the stage of moderate sleep, 3-8c/s slow waves (100-250μV), and in deep sleep bursts of 1-2c/s slow waves (200-400μV) appeared.
These responses such as sleep were associated with the constriction of pupils, decrease in the physical activities, lowering of systemic blood pressure and decrease of the respiratory rate. The effects of calcium lasted as long as 2 to 3.5 hours in normal cats and 3 to 5.5 hours in hydrocephalic cats, and the behavioral and physiological characteristics of wakefulness retured fully. Normal cats showed thecontinuous sleep but half of hydrocephalic cats pres-ented intermittent sleep.
Definite REM sleep was not observed except for one cat.
It was discussed that ionic imbalance within the posterior region of the hypothalamus may control the cycle of sleep-wakefulness.
Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.