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抄録 150標識ガス定常吸入法とH215O瞬時静注法を用いたポジトロンエミッショントモグラフィ(PET)により,安静時酸素摂取率(OEF)とCO2吸入または過呼吸負荷時の血管反応性(VRCO2)を測定した。虚血範囲が広い症例ほど,局所間のOEFとVRCO2間に相関を示す頻度が高くhypercapniaに対して負相関,hypocapniaに対して正相関が見られた。また,灌流圧低下に伴い抵抗血管が最大拡張に至った状態でのOEF値は0.54であると求められた。
Interrelations between oxygen extraction (OEF) and cerebrovascular reactivitity to PaCO2 change (VRCO2) in ischemic brain were measured by the 15O gases steady state method and the H215O au-toradiographic method using a positron emission tomography. OEF at rest and VRCO2 for hyper-capnia and hypocapnia were assessed successively in five cross sections of 10 mm image resolution. With each study correlation coefficients between OEF and VRCO2 were calculated using 30 to 40 regions of interest. In hypercapnic measurements those which had a larger ischemic region result-ed in a higher incident of a negative correlation. Fifteen of 19 studies (79%) showed the negative correlation. From the regression lines which show-ed significant correlation a mean OEF at VRCO2=0 was 0.54±0.09, which might indicate the point at the maximal dilatation of the resistance vessels. On the other hand, in hypocapnic studies only five of 18 (28%) showed apositive correlation, and the other measurements showed diffusely negative VRCO2 over the whole regions in the brain.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.