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The changes of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and metabolism of normal brain tissue after surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy in brain tumor pati-ents were measured by positron emission tomogr-aphy (PET). The subjects consisted of 6 men and 3 women, and were from 11 to 62 years old. Those were four patients with glioblastomas, one patient with malignant oligodendroglioma, one patient with astrocytoma grade II, one patient with astro-cytoma grade III, one patient with pontine glioma, one patient with pineal germinoma. Seven pati-ents were operated and pathohistologically diagno-sed. Two patients with pineal germinoma and po-ntine glioma were not operated and radiologically diagnosed. Of 7 operated patients, first PET was performed before operation in 3 patients, and from 10 to 16 days after operation in 4 patients. Fol-lowing first PET, the patients were treated with irradiation (1 case), or with both irradiation and chemotherapy (8 cases). The total radiation dose for tumor was from 59 to 61 Gy distributed in aperiod of 6-8 weeks. Whole brain irradiation was performed up to 30 or 40 Gy, with a remaining do-simetry (20-30 Gy) focused on the tumor field. Chemotherapy consisted of intravenous administra-tion of ACNU and oral administration of FT-207. Second PET was performed 1 month after therapy (9 cases), and third PET was performed from 4 to 24 months after therapy (6 cases). Fourth PET was performed in 2 patients (22 and 35 months af-ter therapy), and fifth PET was performed in one patient (35 months after therapy). PET was car-ried out parallel to the orbitomeatal plane using HEADTOME III scanner, of which spatial resolu-tion in clinical use was 10 mm full width at half maximum in the image plane. CBF and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) were measured by the 1515O-steady state technique. Cerebral meta-bolic rate of glucose (CMRG1c) was measured by the 18F-labelled 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18F-FDG) method. For the quantitative analysis of CBF, CMRO2 and CMRGlc, elliptic regions of in-terests (ROIs), varying in size from 10 to 30mm, were used in the regions without tumor.
In the second PET performed 1 month after the-rapy, CBF, CMRO2, and CMRGlc increased in most of operated patients. After the second PET, CBF, CMRO2, and CMRGlc showed a tendency to decr-ease in most of patients, but CMRO2 in two pati-ents showed a tendency to increase. In the regi-ons irradiated in the high dcse as much as in the tumor, its CBF, CMRO2 and CMRGlc decreased more strongly than those in the regions irradiated only by the whole brain irradiation.

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