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抄録 排尿症状を有するstatus lacunaris患者42名に対して,詳細な問診とurodynamic studyを行った。問診の結果,刺激症状が21名(50%),閉塞症状が7名(16.7%),両症状共存が14名(33.3%)にあった。Urodynamic studyの結果,尿流曲線は20名中6名で異常,残尿は40名中19名に30〜470ml,平均135mlあり,最高尿道閉鎖圧は42名中1名で高値,3名で低値を示し,膀胱容量は初発尿意時100ml以下は20名,300ml以上は4名,最大尿意時200ml以下は20名,600ml以上は2名であり,膀胱内圧曲線は無抑制収縮が34名,自律性収縮が1名,両者の合併が3名,正常曲線が4名にあり,排尿筋括約筋協調不全が42名中10名,無抑制括約筋弛緩が42名中4名,球海綿体筋反射亢進が42名中14名にみられた。問診とurodynamic studyの結果から排尿障害の頻度と平均的程度を判定すると,排出障害は42名中25名(59.5%)に中等度,蓄尿障害は42名中37名(88.1%)に高度であった。
Detailed micturitional history and urodynamic study were performed on 42 patients with status lacunaris who had urinary symptoms.
1) Micturitional history revealed 21 patients (50%) had irritative, 7 (16.7%) had obstructive and 13 had both symptoms.
2) Urodynamic study revealed the followig : Six among 40 had abnormal uroflowmetrogram. Nine-teen among 40 had residual urine of 30~470ml, on the average 135ml. Among 42 one had high and 3 had low maximal urethral closure pressures. Bladder capacity at maximal sensation was below 200ml in 20 and over 600ml in 2. Electromyo-graphy showed 10 had detrusor-sphincter dyssyn-ergia, 4 had uninhibited sphincter relaxation and 14 had brisk bulbocavernosus reflex.
3) Judging from the above results 25 over 42 patients (59.5%) had on the average a moderate degree of evacuation disturbance and 37 over 42 patients (88.1%) had on the average a severe degree of storage disturbance.

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