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抄録 筋強直性ジストロフィー症14例(男10例,女4例,年齢15〜50歳)のCT所見と,うち7例の脳波所見について報告した。CT所見は肉眼上,第3脳室と側脳室の全般性拡大を認め,脳幹部や皮質の萎縮は認められないか,極めて軽度かであった。第3脳室最大幅,側脳室の4ヵ所での幅を計測し,その部位での頭蓋内径および頭蓋内径最大幅との比をとり,その指標と年齢との関係を求めた。なお対照群として,脳器質性病変を否定された49例の所見を用いて同様の計測を行い,比較に用いた。その結果,いずれの指標にても30歳頃より対照群との差は明瞭となり,高齢となるに従ってその差は拡大する傾向が認められた。これより脳室拡大は成人のある年齢より開始し,いったん開始すると進行性である病態を反映するものと思われた。脳波所見は用手的に平均周波数,平均振幅を求め,基礎律動の徐波化,低振幅化,単調さを認めた。α波の平均周波数と脳室計測値との相関は認められなかった。
Mental symptom is one of the characteristic features in myotonic dystophy, but documentation of mental signs including pathological changes of the brain has been imprecise. An attempt to show the involvement of the central nervous system by CT scan and EEG has been done in our depart-ment.
The material consists of 14 patients 10 males and 4 females, from 15 to 50 years of age. CT scan of the 14 patients showed diffuse enlargement of lateral and third ventricles without definite atrophy of cerebral cortex and brainstem. Mea-surements of various parts of the ventricles showed a difference and an increase with age of values compared with that obtained from 49 neurologically normal persons (P<0.01).
Main findings of EEG taken from 7 patients were slowing and low voltage of background ac-tivity, and 4 patients showed monotonous alpha waves. Both asymmetry and paroxysmal waves were not found. There was no significant correla-tion between the degree of ventricular enlargement and the frequency of the alpha activity (P>0.05).
Our study reveals that the ventricular enlarge-ment is more correlated with aging than the seve-rity of muscle involvement or the degree of mental deterioration. This fact possibly reflects a progres-sive nature of the pathology of the brain, espe-cially the white matter.

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