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PROBLEMS ON RECURRENCE AFTER REMOVAL OF TERATOMA IN PINEAL REGION:AN EXPERIENCE OF RECURRENCE OF PINEAL TERATOMA 4 YEARS AFTER TUMOR REMOVAL Kazumi Matsuda 1 , Yoshiki Maeda 1 , Shinichi Kodama 1 , Reizo Kanemaru 1 , Ikuho Sugata 1 , Tetsuhiko Asakura 1 , Tadahiro Mihara 1,2 1Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kagoshima 2Department of Neurosurgery, National Epilepsy Centre pp.1107-1115
Published Date 1982/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205031
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A case of teratoma in the pineal region which recurred 4 years after the first tumor removal was reported in this paper.

When the patient was 5 years old, she, complain-ed of headache and vomiting, and visited our hospital. As a heterogeneous mass with no enhan-cement effect was found in the pineal region by CT scan, she admitted on November 9, 1976. There was no abnomalities on physical examina-tion but neurological examination revealed slight disturbance of conjugate upward gaze (Parinaud's sign). Left vertebral angiogram demonstrated pos-terior superior displacement of posterior cho-roidal artery and downward displacement of Ro-senthal vein, but early venous filling and tumor stain were not seen. Under preoperative diagno-sis of a teratoma in the pineal region, the first operation (left occipital craniotomy and total re-moval of the tumor) was performed on November 24, 1975. Microscopic examinations revealed that the removed tumor was a mature teratoma in the pineal region.

Postoperative course was uneventful and dis-charged on December 20, 1975. The follow-up study was continued at outside clinic after dis-charge. There was no signs of recurrence until 3 years after the first operation, but on January, 1981 (4 years after the first operation), she suffered from severe headache and vomiting again and re-admit-ted to our hospital on February 3, 1981.

There was no remarkable neurological deficits except for the mild intracranial hypertensive sign and no changes of findings on angiogram. But CT findings were markedly characteristic. It revealed a heterogenous mass with remarkable enhancement effect in the pineal region and ventricular enlar-gement. Because a mixed type (teratomatous and germinomatous) of pineal tumors was suspected from the CT findings, irradiation was done after V-P shunt.

The tumor was reduced to half size after the first course of 2000 rads irradiation, but there is no more reduction of the size of the tumor follow-ing the second course of 2000 rads (total 4000 rads) ii radiation.

Against the residual tumor, tumor removal was performed on June 2, 1981. Micros,opically, the most part of the resected tumor showed fibrous changes caused by irradiation and partially tera-tomatous compartment.

From this result (radiosensitivity and histology) the authors assumed that the recurred tumor could be a mixed type (germinoma and teratoma) of pineal tumor.

Postoperative course was uneventful except for a transient disturbance of conjugate upward gaze and she discharged on June 25, 1981. And now, there is no signs of recurrence 12 months after the second operation.

Conclusively, it will be stressed that we should continue follow-up study the case even after total removal of teratoma, especially in the pineal re-gion. Moreover, it was considered that there is a posibility of the changes of the histological fea-tures on recurrence of the pineal teratoma. When germinomatous compartment is suspected, irradi-ation is the first choice and then microsurgical operation should be done against residual tumor.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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