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前回われわれは,成熟ラットに大脳半球摘除を行い,術後,経時的にシナプス関連物質である,noradrenaline(NA),serotonin (5HT),acetylcholine分解酵素であるacetylcholine esterase (AchE)活性を計測することにより,生化学的な面から,中枢神経組織に変性→再生機構が働いている可能性を報告した35,36)。
It has been generally observed that the central nervous system injury given to immature mammals usually produces less damage than does similar injury given at their maturity. The immature brain seems to be endowed with compensatory mechanisms which lack partly or totally in the adult brain.
The purpose of the present study is to clarify the biochemical basis of the neural plasticity in young animals.
Several regions of the central nervous tissue ofadult rats whose hemisphere was extirpated soon after the birth were analyzed on acetylcholine esterase activity, content of noradrenaline and serotonin, uptake of noradrenaline and serotonin into the crude synaptosomes. Catecholamine con-taining neurons were demonstrated histochemically by the use of the glyoxylic acid induced fluorescence. Following results were obtained:
1. Content of noradrenaline increased nearly 2-fold in the brain stem and in the cerebellum at the 2nd and the 3rd month after the operation. Synap-tosomal uptake of 3H-noradrenaline also increased in the brain stem and Vmax elevated remarkably, through Km stayed unchanged. Concomitant in-creases in the content of noradrenaline and Vmax of synaptosomal uptake of 3H-noradrenaline may in-dicate an increased number of noradrenergic nerve terminals.
2. The glyoxylic acid induced histofluorescence increased in some pontine nuclei and in the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex.
3. Above mentioned results probably indicate axonal sprouting of noradrenergic neurons after the neonatal hemispherectomy.

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