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Okamoto&Aoki9)により分離された高血圧自然発症ラットSpontaneously hypertensive rat (以下SHRと省略)は,すべての動物において高血圧を自然に発症し,諸臓器に種々の高血圧性血管病変を示すので,ヒトの本態性高血圧症研究の最適のモデルとされている3)。
In order to clarify the developmental mechanism of the hypertensive cerebrovascular changes mor-phologically, endothelial luminal surfaces of the cerebral arteries in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and control Wistar Kyoto rats were investi-gated by the scanning electron microscope (SEM), and following findings were obtained.
1) In control Wistar Kyoto rats, endothelial cells of the cerebral arteries showed increased number of villi and enlargements at the sites of branchings.
2) In the cerebral arteries of SHR, enlargements of endothelial cells and increased number of villiand pits which indicate an increased cellular functions of the cells were diffusely observed besides at the sites of branchings.
3) In the cerebral arteries of SHR, especially in the aged group, there were the regressive changes of the endothelial cells such as balloon-like pro-trusions, crater-like cave-ins and their transitional changes between these findings.
4) Endothelial cells with such regressive changes posessed particularly an increase of pits in number, and it was suggested that an increased vesicular transport of endothelial cells play an important role in the development of these regressive changes.
5) Aggregate of platelets was often observed adhered on endothelial luminal surfaces of the cerebral arteries in aged SHR which seems to be related to thrombus formation.
6) Markedly developed and irregularly formed marginal folds at the endothelial cell borders were observed, but the function of these folds was unknown.
7) Developmental mechanisms of various endo-thelial changes of the cerebral arteries in SHR and the relationship between these endothelial changes and hypertensive cerebrovascular changes were discussed.
Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.