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COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY SCAN OF STURGE-WEBER DISEASE Akio Semba 1 , Hiroyasu Makino 1 , Yutaka Maki 2 , Tadao Nose 2 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Chiba University School of Medicine 2Department of Neurological Surgery. Institute of Clinical Medicine, The University of Tsukuba pp.963-970
Published Date 1977/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204128
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Four cases of Sturge-Weber disease underwentcomputerized tomography (CT) scan and in two ofthem, further enhancement study with infusion ofmeglumine diatrizoate in 65% at the dose of 2 ml/kg was performed. Their age was 5 m/o, 2 y/o, 8y/o and 20 y/o. The finding of CT scans weresummarized as follows.

1) CT scan was far useful than plain skullroentogenography to visualize the exact area ofcalcium deposits and its extent.

2) According to the extent of calcium depositson CT scan, Sturge-Weber disease was divided intotwo types, i. e., localized type in one case anddiffuse type in three cases.

3) Brain atrophy was more extensive than thearea of calcification particularly in diffuse type.

4) In spite of severe and diffuse involvement ofthe cerebral mantle, neither calcification nor atrophywas observed in the thalamus, the lenticular nucleusand the caudate nucleus. The architecture of suchdeep structures were well preserved.

5) In our series, no apparent ventricular dilatationwas found even in two cases of severe brain in-volvement in the form of cerebral hemiatrophy.

6) In two cases with infusion of contrast medium,the area of calcification were obviously enhancedand in one of them, significant enhancement of thechoroid plexus was noted on the affected side.

7) Contrary to our expectation, leptomeningealangiomatosis which is the sine qua non of thedisease and should cover the cerebral cortex wasnot visualized by contrast infusion method in thisseries.

These findings led us to conclude that CT scanwas an outstanding measure to detect secondarychanges of Sturge-Weber disease such as calcificationand brain atrophy and that this ivestigation wouldbe used in suspected cases.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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