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An extremely rare case of cerebral schistosomalgranuloma was treated operatively. Patient is 8year-old Japanese male who is suffering from inter-mittent headache, vomiting and visual disturbance.Neurological examination revealed no obvious path-ological findings except bilateral chocked disc.
Hematological examination showed eosinophilia.Stool examination was negative for occult bloodand there were no ova or parasites. The skin testfor schistosomiasis was 10×12/30×25 and for para-gonimiasis 8×10/8×10 respectively. Plane skullfilm revealed no pathological calcification nor otherabnormal findings. The chest X-ray was normal.Lumbar puncture revealed crystal clear fluid ofopening pressure of 260 mm in water. The fluidcontained 22 cells per cubic millimeter, all of whichwas monocytes, 50mg/dl sugar and 35mg/dl protein.Right carotid angiogram showed mass lesion inright frontal lobe. He was operated under the di-agnosis of parasitic cerebral granuloma. Schisto-somal ova was founded histologically in sectionsof the granuloma. He is well at present two yearsand six months after discharge.
From the first report of Yamagiwa's on cerebralschistosomiasis in 1889 to our case in 1974, 179cases were reported including our case up to thepresent time. In these cases, 50 cases were provenby operation or autopsy, but 129 cases were pre-sumptive.
Symptoms and signs of intracranial hypertension,for example, headache, vomiting and chocked discare most common in cerebral schistosomiasis.Convulsive seizure, especially Jacksonian seizure, isappeared frequently. Other symptoms and signsare pyramidal sign, sensory disturbance, visual dis-turbance and so on.
To diagnose this disease, there are several im-portant problems as follows. That is whether hehad been in epidemic area of the schistosomiasis,eosinophilia in blood, pleocytosis and elevated pro-tein level in CSF, intracranial hypertension, con-vulsive seizure especially Jacksonian seizure, schisto-somal ova in stool and so on. It is exactly diagnosedby the presence of schistosomal ova in brain tissueBut it is most important to distinguish the ovaof schistosoma japonica from it of ParagonimusWestermanii.
A case of cerebral schistosomal granuloma ispresented and symptomes, histological study, diag-nosis and treatment of cerebral schistosomiasis arediscussed.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.