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In the Kofu City area there are cases with dis-turbance of consciousness, convulsive seizure, and brain tumor which are thought to be caused by schistosomiasis japonica. In the chronic form of this disease 3 types can be distinguished : the sub-jective type, in which objective symptoms are few but subjective symptoms predominate, such as headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, and lethargy; the hepatic type with liver hypofunction and the cerebral type, which shows principally disturbances of the C.N.S. Ariizumi has classified the cerebral type into the following forms : 1) acute cerebral form ; 2) chronic cerebral form ; 3) symptomatic psychosis ; and 4) portal-systemic encephalopathy (Inose type). In the Kofu area forms 2) and 4) are predominant.
We have reported that the diffuse pattern is found in the EEG of both the subjective and the hepatic types. In this paper we report on the EEG of 5 cases of the cerebral type.
1) On the 5 cases of suspected chronic schisto-somiasis japonica, Case 1 (status epilepticus), Case 2 (jacksonian epilepsy), and Case 3 (psychical sei-zure) showed clinically the symptoms of late epilepsy, and a seizure discharge was present in the EEG in all 3 cases.
2) Case 4 showed headache, papill edema, and neck rigidity, and was diagnosed as brain tumor. However, autopsy showed chronic meningoen-cephalitis with tuberculosis-like tumors surround-ing schistomum japonicum cellular infiltration around the blood vessels, and proliferation of glial cells.
4) In case 5,Schistomum japonicum were discovered by liver biopsy, and the patient showed episodic disorientation, dysarthria, finger tremor,and other mental and nervous disturbances. From these symptoms, as well as hyperammonemia and a slow abnormal EEG (triphasic wave), the case was diagnosed as hepatocerebral disease.
5) The genesis and condition of each case was discussed.

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