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私共は本疾患の局所脳循環動態を明らかにする目的で,133Xe clearance法と脳血管連続撮影所見より得た結果を華に,局所脳循環と,それの脳血管撮影所見との関連について考察し興味ある知見を得たので報告する。
Cerebrovascular "Moyamoya" disease (Spontane-ous occlusion of the circle of Willis) was firstlyreported by Japanese neurosurgeon. Recently,attention has been drawn to this disease by thephysicians of other countries, but the observationof regional cerebral blood flow of the disease hasnot been reported.
We studied the regional cerebral hemodynamicson six patients with the disease by 133Xe clearancemethod using 6 channel detector and serial cerebralangiography.
Materials: Three cases of juvenile patients andthree adult cases were examined. In all cases,characteristic bilateral occlusions or stenosis of thecarotid forks with prominent vascular networks inthe base of the brain were observed. Neurologicalsymptom was more prominent in the juvenile group.
Results: 1) Decrease of hemispheric CBF wasobserved in 4 out of 6 cases. Abnormal regionalcerebral perfusion was proved in the patients withdecreased hemispheric CBF. 2) Reduced responseto hypercapnea was found chiefly in the juvenilepatients. Disturbance of COs Response of the dis-ease was thought to maximal dilatation of peri-pheral vessels and increased vascular resistance ofmain trunks of the cerebral vessels. 3) The lepto-meningeal anastomoses between the PCA and theMCA were proved as important collateral patheson the disease. 4) In spite of the angiographicalvisualization of prominent vascular network in thebase of the brain and early opacification of thedraining veins (3 out of 7 cases), increase of rCBFat the corresponding region could not be detected.
It was supposed that some of the blood flow inthe abnormal vascular networks at the base of thebrain might be non-effective to the cerebral me-tabolism.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.