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The patients are 15 year old and 13 year oldmales who complained of a headache, vomiting andgeneral malaise. The plain skull films showedthinning and bulging of the left temporal squama,forwards enlargement of the middle fossa and theelevation of the lesser wing of the sphenoid. Theleft carotid arteriography indicated significant ele-vation of the middle cerebral artery and theopercular portion of the middle cerebral artery wasabsent. Left frontotemporoparietal craniotomy wasperformed, and the large cyst as the space takingmass lesion of the middle fossa was noted. Thecyst contained xanthochromic fluid and its wallprobably consisted of arachnoid membrane. In bothcases the cyst occupied anterior 6 cm of the leftmiddle fossa and no brain tissue was noted betweenthe cyst and the anterior part of the middle cranialfossa. Histologically, the membrane of the cystwas arachnoid.
Their recognition and management are discussed.
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