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We have applied Modified Neuroleptanalgesiawith Pentazocine and Diazepam to such painfulneurosurgical examinations as airstudy, cerebralangiography, etc. More than 400 cases includingthe minor operations were treated with satisfactoryanalgesia, sedation and prevention of vomiting andsweating in every case.
Circulatory stability and the minimal suppresionof the respiration are also the common merits ofthis method. As the verbal contact was preserved,the patients were able to keep themselves in sit-ting position during the airstudy. They remainedtranquil and cooperative during the examinations.None of them complained of headache nor nausea.
No choke, convulsion, vomiting or sweating wasnoticed. And what is more, some of the patients had a good appetite even after pneumoencephlo-graphy. Usually, no further analgesia or sedationwas needed after the examinations. Amnesia dur-ing the examination was noticed in most of the cases, but it was considered to be one of the con-venient merits, for they would not have any fearof the successive examinations.
Premedication:0. 5 mg of atropine sulfate and10 mg of diazepam i. m.
Several minutes before operation or examination : 30 to 60 mg (45 mg on an average) of pentazocine and 10 mg of diazepam i. v.
* Diazepam should not mixed with pentazocine because of the turbid change. It is con- venient to inject them through the i. v. drip catheter respectively.
* Transitory suppresion of the respiration might occur by rapid injection of pentazocine in some cases of poor risk. In such case, intravenous injection of Theraptique is very effective.
In further 12 cases, blood pressure, cerebrospinal fluid pressure and central venous pressure were recorded continuously through the transducers on the polygraph. In 5 cases of them, Pao? Paco? pH and BE were examined.
Result :
1. Blood pressure was very stable in every case.
2. 130 mmH2O of mean increase in CSF pressure at the maximum change.
3. 20 mmH20 of mean increase in CVP at the maximum change.
4. 6 mmHg of mean increase in Paco2.
5. 15 mmHg of mean decrease in Paco2.
6. Slight shift of pH to acidosis.
7. Small change in BE.
8. Pinprick and carotid puncture were performed on the way, but no change in these parameters was noticed. Therefore, the effect of the analgesia was considered to be complete both subjectively and objectively.
9. The increase in CSF pressure was considered to be due to the increase in Pace, and it was easily reduced by inhalation of oxygen gas.
Modified Neuroleptanalgesia is recommended as a routine anesthesia for the painful neurosurgical examinations and the minor operations, because it is considered to be up-to-date the most effective,safe and simple anesthesia. But, it is not an adequet anesthesia for craniotomy.
In this paper, the history and the pharmacological basis of the Modified Neuroleptanalgesia were also explained in addition to the description of the clinical experiments.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.